A changing world

As a planet we are at a pivotal moment.

Covid-19 & Carbon are both driving a reduction in travel and the ability to come together. Face to face meetings have stopped but the purpose of those meetings is greater than ever.

Organisations will be experiencing both rapid change, and also potential inertia. Both scenarios will create a vacuum of insight and communication that will seriously impact an organisations ability to operate.

A communications vacuum is the last thing that should be happening. Hearing from leaders and being engaged is vital.

The good news is there are solutions.

Technology and innovative companies have been developing some amazing competencies over the last 10 years. Using robust and agile platforms, with proven results.

And they are capable of hosting highly engaging experiences.

But. And it’s a big but. To be effective they need to be combined with all of the skills that we have developed for engaging live audiences, for creating space and time for the conversations that matter to make the impact that is needed.

So when you start to think about hybrid and virtual events start by thinking about the purpose, about the audience and about the need to deeply engage them. And then consider the platform and the technology that will enable and underpin the experience.

And in the meantime, over the coming days and weeks take care and in the words of Charlie Mackesy:

"When the big things feel out of control ….focus on what you love right in front of you"

White Space

Meetings are often about content and conversation, but we build in WHITE SPACE.

Creating psychological safe spaces* in the agenda and physical environment to allow time and space for the conversations that matter.

Creating time within the agenda to connect, reflect, think and relax.

Safe space within which to explore, exchange and grow.

*A. Edmonson – psychological safe space

Influencers in your organisation?

How to focus...

How can you join the dots?

The maverick that is Matthew Syed in his new book Rebel Ideas, shows how collaborative thinking can unlock human potential in all walks of life.

The book shows how great teams don’t just happen by accident, they are designed that way and held together by the motivations and strategic bonds that bind them together.

Create time

It's about time

There's never enough time, right?

It depends what you think is important.

If you can't devote time to shaping the future of your company – what can you spend time on?

We fight for time in your agenda:

We help you invest time on the issues that are the most important and the activities that will get the right outcomes.

Talk to us about making sure your time together, is time well spent.